Friday, April 13, 2007

Spectroscopy -- Done!

Today was the end of NMR and we discussed multiplicity. We say the theoretical basis of the "N+1 Rule" and looked at a bunch of examples. The main point was essentially this: The integration is an indicator of how many hydrogens are responsible for the resonance and the multiplicity is an indication of the number of hydrogens on adjacent carbon atoms. We saw singlets, doublets, triplets and quartets. Complicated cases, where two or more different (non-equivalent) sets of hydrogens were nearby, led to multiplets.

We looked at the problem set and the 11 pages of the problem set key and saw the on-line problem set from Notre Dame (link at left). Each group, in lieu of a mash-up, is to give me the answers to the 12 listed problems by next Friday. Help each other!

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